Bariatric surgery: from surgical techniques to perioperative care
Bariatric surgery is one of the most dynamically developing surgical specialties. On the one hand, surgical techniques are continuously evolving, which results in the introduction of new laparoscopic and endoscopic methods. On the other, the perioperative care is being improved to minimize the risk of complications and achieve optimum bariatric results. A multidisciplinary bariatric team should consist of a bariatric surgeon, anesthetist, dietician and psychologist. Adequate dietary recommendations, including micro and macronutrient assessment, and psychological support, are the mainstay of long-term follow-up. Similarly, endoscopic control is now recommended for all bariatric patients prior to surgery and during the follow-up. Poland has seen an exponential increase in the number of bariatric procedures in recent years. Therefore, medical practitioners working in other specialties should have a basic understanding of the most common bariatric procedures and possible long-term complications to be able to deliver optimal care for bariatric patients.
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