ŚWIĄTECZNA DARMOWA DOSTAWA od 20 grudnia do 8 stycznia! Zamówienia złożone w tym okresie wyślemy od 2 stycznia 2025. Sprawdź >
Unfavorable interactions of contraceptives
Hormonal contraception (HC) is the most common and effective, besides sterilization, method of preventing pregnancy. Combined contraceptives contain most commonly ethinylestradiol (EE) at a dose of 15-50 µg and various progestogens, and therefore it is possible to individualize HC. Oral hormonal contraceptives should be chosen according to the patient’s hormonal profile, concomitant diseases and other regular medications as these factors are relevant to both effectiveness and safety of HC. This paper presents practical prescribing guidelines for the use of hormonal drugs in patients taking other types of medications and describes interactions between hormonal contraceptives and anti-epileptic, psychotropic, anti-fungal and antibiotic medication. The impact of drugs containing herbal extracts, food supplements and fruit juice on the effectiveness of HC is also discussed.
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