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Pandemia COVID-19 pokazała, że istnieje potrzeba przeorientowania systemów leczenia na programy poprawy zdrowia jamy ustnej oparte na dowodach, a w tym uzdatnianie wody, nadzorowane programy szczotkowania zębów bądź stosowanie past do zębów z fluorkiem w celu zapobiegania rozwojowi próchnicy. Dowiodła ponadto, że należy dążyć do zintegrowanego modelu opieki zdrowotnej, gdzie specjaliści w zakresie zdrowia jamy ustnej mogą odegrać większą rolę. Przyszłe badania w tym obszarze powinny koncentrować się na jakościowych analizach wpływu COVID-19 na stan zdrowia jamy ustnej poszczególnych osób. Umożliwi to rozwój konkretnych działań profilaktycznych, które będą wspierać utrzymanie zdrowia w tym obszarze w czasach kryzysu.
COVID-19 and oral health – review
The global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020-2022 brought about a number of changes in many areas of life, including healthcare. During the epidemic, dental offices were considered to be places with the highest risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Numerous restrictions and precautions resulted in an increase in the cost of dental treatment and patients missing their appointments out of a fear of contracting the disease. As a result, some dental offices closed down or significantly reduced their activities. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on oral health at the individual level. The review showed an increase in the number of emergency dental procedures (tooth extractions, treatment of dental abscesses, temporary fillings, orthodontic emergencies) and a decrease in the provision and use of preventive services. Home oral hygiene indices show both increases and decreases. Food preferences have also changed. During the pandemic, patients used alternative models of providing dental services (remote dentistry) much more often, and the Internet and social media became the place to look for solutions or express concerns about their oral health. COVID-19 has had a negative impact on the oral health of patients. This shows that there is a need to develop specific preventive measures that will support the maintenance of oral health in times of crisis. The above should be the goal of future research in this area.
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