The widespread use of new psychoactive substances and their growing numbers present a serious challenge for emergency care physicians. Currently, the Polish market is dominated by legal intoxicants containing synthetic cannabinoids and cathinones, although other substances, such as hallucinogens, phenylethylamine derivatives or GABA-receptor agonists, are also common. Those drugs vary in mechanisms of action, route of administration and their psychoactive and somatic effects. Since novel psychoactive substances have been established as illegal and are no longer labelled, at times even the users themselves do not know exactly what kind of substance they have consumed. Thus, the determination of appropriate treatment for psychoses caused by novel psychoactive substances requires some basic knowledge of their mechanisms of action and the ability to assess what type of substance has been consumed. The treatment of psychoses due to drug intoxication relies mainly on benzodiazepines and antypsychotics. Benzodiazepines are considered the treatment of choice in cases of synthetic cannabinoid of psychostimulant intoxication, whereas antipsychotic medicines should be preferred in cases of intoxication with illicit drugs with predominant hallucinogenic properties. Second-generation antipsychotics should be preferred to first-generation agents due to a smaller incidence of adverse events and smaller risk of interaction. The route of administration of the drug has to be chosen based on the patient’s co-operation and the urgency of obtaining adequate sedation.
KEYWORDS: psychoactive substances, psychoses, intoxication.
Zdjęcia: archiwum prywatne (5)
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