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1. Sullivan WM. Medicine under threat professionalism and professional identity. CMAJ 2000;162(5):673-5.
2. Waddington I. The medical profession in the industrial revolution. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1984.
3. Collier R. Professionalism: How payment models affect physician behaviour. CMAJ 2012;184:645-6.
4. Dixon-Woods M, Yeung K, Bosk C. Why is UK medicine no longer a self-regulating profession? The role of scandals involving “bad apple” doctors. Social Science & Medicine 2011;73:1452-9.
5. Collier R. Professionalism: The view from outside medicine. CMAJ 2012;184:1347-8.
6. Collier R. Professionalism: The privilege and burden of self-regulation. CMAJ 2012;184:1559-60.
7. Waring J, Dixon-Woods M, Yeung K. Modernising medical regulation: where are we now? J Health Organ Manag 2010;24(6):540-55.
8. ABIM Committee on Evaluation of Clinical Competence. ABIM Clinical Competence and Communication Programs. Project Professionalism 2001.
9. Spandorfer J, Pohl CA, Rattner SL, et al. (ed). Professionalism in medicine. New York: Cambridge Univeristy Press, 2010.
10. American Psychiatric Association. The Principles of Medical Ethics. With Annotations Especially Applicable to Psychiatry, 2009.
11. Good Medical Practice. UK: General Medical Council, 2006.
12. Medical students: professional values and fitness to practise. UK: General Medical Council, 2005.
13. Lo B, Marilyn J (eds). Conflict of Interest in Medical research, Education and Practice. Washington: The National Academic Press, 2009
14. Hershenberg PJ, Zryd TW, Rodes MB, et al. Professionalism: Self-control matters. Med Teach 2010;32:e36-e41.