Management of snake-bites
Most cases of bites from the common European adder (Vipera berus) have relatively mild consequences, with no or only local symptoms present in 70-80% of patients. The percentage of lethal bites is <1%. Fatalities usually occur among children, elderly patients and cardiovascular disease sufferers.
The severity of venom intoxication depends chiefly on the amount of venom present in the body per body weight. Overall health and fitness level (asthenia, stress, any co-morbidities, advanced age) of the bitten individual also matter, as do physical activity immediately after the bite and allergy to venom components.
All patients bitten by an adder should be hospitalised. Asymptomatic patients may be released following at least 2 hours of monitoring. As serious sequelae may occur after several hours, the presence of even mild symptoms (mild local oedema) should lead to prolonged monitoring of the patient over at least 24 hours.
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