Child with a neoplasm at the doctor’s office – important information for paediatricians
In our previous articles, we focused on early symptoms and risk factors of some neoplastic diseases among children and adolescents. We also briefly discussed the procedures for this group of illnesses, focusing mainly on solid tumors. In this last article of our cycle, we would like to summarize information on proper management, often regardless of the specific diagnosis, of patients with a neoplasm or following oncological treatment in a paediatric practice. Quite often, good patient management in the primary care setting serves to reduce the number and duration of hospitalizations during the treatment, which means that the patient can spend more time at home, and so the negative effects of the treatment are at least partially reduced. Long-term care is yet another aspect. Thanks to improved treatment results, the number of convalescents requiring constant pediatric care, apart from careful monitoring in respect of relapse, complications and secondary neoplasms, is increasing every year. Frequently, it is the pediatrician or the family doctor who must make decisions regarding medical procedures for such patients. We hope that our articles have helped you learn and better understand the problems concerning patients with neoplastic disease. We hope that the guidelines included in our articles will aid you in your day-to-day practice and care of this special group of patients.
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