Red flags in work-up for cough in children
Cough is the most common respiratory symptom in children. The cough reflex is a physiological defensive reflex of the airways, facilitating their cleansing and preventing aspiration. At the same time, it occurs in the course of many diseases associated with the respiratory and extrapulmonary system. It is a challenge for pediatricians and family doctors, who see coughing children on a daily basis. In most cases, it is associated with a viral or bacterial respiratory infection. The most common diagnoses are bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, as well as asthma exacerbations. Pediatricians may also encounter symptoms that may suggest an unusual etiology and require a rapid diagnosis and treatment. These are called red flags. This article discusses alarming symptoms in the diagnosis of cough in children, with particular emphasis on the neonatal period. Coughing in the first hours of life is often one of the many stormy symptoms of birth defects such as a tracheoesophageal fistula, which are a direct threat to life. Similarly, primary ciliary dyskinesia or cystic fibrosis can lead to the development of respiratory failure in the youngest children. Respiratory infections can quickly escalate into newborn sepsis due to immaturity of specific and non-specific immune mechanisms. Gastroesophageal reflux, which is a physiological symptom, requires appropriate diagnosis and treatment if it leads to troublesome symptoms or/and complications. The correct diagnosis and appropriate management of diseases manifested by cough in the neonatal period determine the patients’ quality of life and life expectancy.
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