Opioid analgesics
Opioids are one of the main classes of drugs used for pain management. Experience demonstrates that rational pain pharmacotherapy based on a sound understanding of the mechanism of drug action, pharmacokinetics, adverse reactions and interactions with different types of medicines helps to effectively relieve pain in most cases, i.e. in as many as 85-95% of patients. With adequate analgesics and a suitable dosing regimen, it is possible to ensure earlier patient mobilization, to reduce the frequency of complications, and to decrease the risk of chronic post-surgical pain.
Zalecane piśmiennictwo:
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8. Hutchison LC, Sleeper RB. Fundamentals of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy. Bethesda: ASHP Publications, 2015.
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11. Preston CL. Stockley’s Drug Interactions 2015. London: Pharmaceutical Press, 2014.
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