Hiponatremia obserwowana dosyć często w codziennej praktyce lekarskiej, chociaż jest zaburzeniem elektrolitowym, dotyczy zaburzeń wodnych. Hiponatremia wymaga właściwej diagnostyki, a czasami również celowanego leczenia, w którym może mieć zastosowanie podaż dożylna roztworów NaCl. Akronim OCENA Na powinien chociaż częściowo ułatwić to zadanie:
O jak objawy (ciężkie lub średnie)
C jak czas (<48 h)
E jak efektywna osmolalność osocza (>285 mOsm/kg)
N jak niska wolemia (hipowolemia)
A jak aktywność wazopresyny (z szacowaną osmolalnością moczu <100 mOsm/kg)
Na jak stężenie sodu w moczu (≤30 mmol/l).
Hyponatremia: to use intravenous or oral treatment, to increase salt supply or to reduce water supply?
Hyponatremia – in terms of sodium concentration – is one of the most frequent fluid and electrolyte disturbance observed in clinical practice. In terms of the place of assessment of natremia, it should be noted that it might occur in up to 30% of hospitalized patients. It is associated with the most common chronic diseases, such as heart and kidney diseases, as well as diabetes. Hence, it may also be induced by drugs used for treating such conditions. Hyponatremia is observed among patients of both surgery and non-surgery departments, leading to higher morbidity and mortality, as well as longer hospitalization. The incidence of hyponatremia increases with age. Hyponatremia is ubiquitous, but does it really require dedicated substitution treatment? It appears that the statement: ‘hyponatremia is the most commonly observed fluid and electrolyte disturbance’ focuses on liquid balance rather than on abnormally low sodium concentration, and therefore the aim of this paper is to show a practical outline of how to treat patients with sodium levels <135 mmol/l.
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